Where to view the transit of Mercury on 9 May

Astronomy Now

Image credit: AWB/GAM2016.
Image credit: AWB/GAM2016.
With the 2016 transit of Mercury nearly upon us, interest in this comparatively rare event is growing fast. Given the favourable timing of this 7½-hour phenomenon for the UK, many will be able to view it at lunchtime or after work — but what do you do if you don’t own a suitably equipped telescope? Don’t worry, join a party! Many astronomical societies and observatories nationwide are hosting transit-viewing events where experienced observers using specialist equipment can show you and your family the Sun in complete safety.

The Royal Astronomical Society will be running a event outside its headquarters in the courtyard of Burlington House (click here for a map), central London, where members of the public can come and view the transit using appropriate equipment at no cost.

The European Space Agency’s Cosmos portal provides a comprehensive list of UK-based and European venues where transit-viewing activities are being held.

Interactive global map showing organised events where you can view the transit

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Pick up a copy of our May issue for a complete guide to Monday’s transit of Mercury in addition to a complete guide to what else is happening in this month’s sky.

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