Flight controllers mistakenly commanded Voyager 2 to point slightly away from Earth, interrupting communications, but the spacecraft is expected to reset itself in October.
Engineers are testing prototype heat shields for a proposed interstellar probe that first would fly close by the Sun for a gravitational slingshot into deep space.
Uranus’ small moon Miranda, as revealed by NASA’s Voyager 2 probe in 1986, is one of the strangest bodies in the solar system, with a unique patchwork appearance and cliffs towering 20 kilometres (12 miles) high.
Three decades ago, on 25 August 1989, the Voyager 2 spacecraft raced past Neptune and its icy moon Triton, thrilling scientists and the public at large with spectacular images that remain unrivaled today.
NASA’s long-lived Voyager 2 probe, still sending back data 41 years after launch in 1977, has finally moved into interstellar space, joining Voyager 1 in the void between the stars.
Six years after the Voyager 1 spacecraft moved into interstellar space, Voyager 2 is detecting an increase in cosmic ray strikes indicating the probe is nearing the edge of the protective bubble defined by the Sun’s influence.
NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus three decades ago, but researchers are still making discoveries from the data it gathered then. A new study led by University of Idaho researchers suggests there could be two tiny, previously undiscovered moonlets orbiting near two of the planet’s rings.