Researchers using the airborne SOFIA infrared observatory have found a quasar where star formation has managed to continue despite a torrent of radiation.
Stratigraphy in Gale Crater on Mars indicates the effects of megafloods in the distant past, most likely caused by the heat released in a major impact.
Across a gulf of 70 million light years, the brilliant flare of an exploding star shines like a beacon in the outer reaches of a spiral galaxy, providing tell-tale clues about the expansion rate of the universe.
Engineers conclude the Arecibo Observatory’s 900-ton receiver is too unstable to repair in the wake of a second support cable failure, prompting decision to decommission the facility.
Comet C/2020 M3 (ATLAS) is now in the late-evening sky among the bright stars of Orion and is bright enough to be viewed through a pair of binoculars from a dark-sky site.