Taking a fresh look at the Crab Nebula, the James Webb Space Telescope provides new insights into the titanic explosion that blew a star apart and left a spinning pulsar in its wake.
A star-studded image of a globular cluster near the core of the Milky Way serves as a reminder that the Hubble Space Telescope continues to wow astronomers with its powerful, crystal-clear vision.
The Hubble Space Telescope searches for massive galactic clusters to learn more about gravitational lensing, the distortion and magnification of light from background, more distant bodies caused by a cluster’s enormous gravity.
Globular clusters are favorite targets for amateur astronomers, offering tightly-packed swarms of stars visible in even modest telescope. But the Hubble Space Telescope’s view of M14 offers a truly jaw-dropping spectacle.
Astronomers develop software to help eliminate streaks marring Hubble Space Telescope images caused by rapidly increasing numbers of Earth-orbiting satellites.
New images of two galaxies, a star cluster and the famed “Pillars of Creation” showcase the value of multi-wavelength astronomy when it comes to seeing the Big Picture.
Some tightly-packed globular clusters show signs of unseen black holes affecting the movements of their stars. Astronomers are using the Hubble Space Telescope to look for evidence of such hidden monsters.
Galaxy clusters serve as gravitational zoom lenses for the Hubble Space Telescope, magnifying the light from more remote background galaxies to shed light on the nature of such lenses and the distribution of dark matter.
The Hubble Space Telescope captures a textbook example of a luminous Seyfert galaxy and its active galactic nucleus along with details of the galaxy’s structure.