News A third planet found orbiting nearest star to Sun 11 February 2022 Astronomy Now Astronomers have found the gravitational signature of a third planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun.
News Astronomers mining an increasingly rich trove of TESS exoplanet data 24 January 2022 Astronomy Now NASA’s TESS spacecraft has now found more than 5,000 exoplanet candidates, including three newly-confirmed worlds that face uncertain futures.
News Study suggests Mars too small for long-term habitability 22 September 2021 Astronomy Now Researchers find a correlation between a rocky planet’s size and its ability to retain enough water for habitability.
News In a first, ALMA spies huge moon-forming disc around exoplanet 24 July 2021 Astronomy Now ALMA confirms the presence of a possible moon-forming disc of dusty debris around a Jupiter-size exoplanet 400 light years from Earth.
News Earth detectable, in theory, from more than 2,000 nearby star systems 24 June 2021 Astronomy Now More than 2,000 star systems found within 326 light years that have been or will be in position to detect Earth as it transits the Sun.
News Hubble spies double-star exoplanet in long orbit like hypothetical path of ‘Planet Nine’ 14 December 2020 Astronomy Now Hubble helps astronomers characterise exoplanet orbit that is similar to the path of a hypothesised “Planet Nine” in Earth’s solar system.
News Radioactive elements may be key to exoplanet habitability 22 November 2020 Astronomy Now The amount of radioactive elements in the core of a rocky exoplanet may be a critical factor in determining its habitability.
News Researchers find exoplanet with pi-like 3.14-day orbit 22 September 2020 Astronomy Now Researchers digging through Kepler Space Telescope data found an exoplanet with a pi-like 3.14-day orbit around a cool , low-mass star.
News Hubble tests techniques for finding biosignatures in exoplanet atmospheres 7 August 2020 Astronomy Now Hubble uses sunlight reflected from the moon during an eclipse to detect ozone in Earth’s atmosphere, testing methods needed to assess exoplanet atmospheres.
News Radio astronomers measure star’s wobble, find Saturn-size exoplanet 4 August 2020 Astronomy Now Radio telescope finds Saturn-class exoplanet orbiting nearby dwarf star after measuring slight changes in the star’s position.