Shortly before the September issue of Astronomy Now went to press, we were shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden and untimely death of Peter Grego, one of this magazine’s long-standing, regular contributors.
Peter, who was born in 1965, was well known in the UK family of amateur astronomy and beyond. He wrote more than 20 books on stargazing and also worked tirelessly for national organisations, in particular the Society for Popular Astronomy. He had recently completed 16 years as editor of the SPA journal, Popular Astronomy, and had also directed its Lunar Section since 1984. Peter was also an active supporter of the British Astronomical Association and Society for the History of Astronomy, producing publications for both.
Peter began his working life as a nurse in his native Midlands before moving to Cornwall a few years ago to devote his time to astronomy. He was a keen observer who, unusually these days, enjoyed sketching what he saw, and especially the lunar landscape. His enthusiasm was evident from the quality of his Moonwatch column in Astronomy Now.
A former editor of this magazine, Stuart Clark, told us: “When I was editor, he was always on time with great copy. He was a joy to work with.”
Peter leaves a wife, Tina, and teenage daughter, Jacy, to whom we send our deepest condolences.
A full tribute to Peter will appear in the October issue of Astronomy Now.